Saddle-Up and Harness Your Mind!

We can see the promise of memory improving methods prevalent throughout our popular information sources: news, media, internet, etc.

Take for example if you type into the google seach bar “memory improvement” it comes up with 18,300,000 hits.
Versus “coolest thing ever” which only comes up with 8,610,000 hits. is one such website advertising memory improvement software. It claims that “Your memory is untrained” and that just 5 minutes per day of this software can help you “harness the full capabilities of your brain.”

I’m going to tell you now, you already have control of the full capabilities of your brain, and the only thing that makes a difference is how you use them. If you work on trying to make you brain capable to doing more than it already can you’ll find your efforts fruitless, but if you’ll take the time to keep yourself healthy and to write down important information so that you can re-read it every day, I promise that those memories will stick around just as long as you will! (Dr. Medina also suggests that physical exercise twice a week also shows a 60% prevention rate of general dementia and Alzheimer’s thanks to the increased production of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin [pg 16-17]).

But let's be clear, exercise and repetition won't give you a picture perfect memory.

Medina, John. (2008). Brain rules. Seattle, WA: Pear Press.